Researchers have created a buzz in the organ transplant world by growing a liver in a lab setting. However, this liver may function just like any other liver but it is miniature, a test to see if the technology was possible. The group used stem cells to create the liver which is said to be genetically identical to that of a human liver.
The idea that human organs can be grown in labs has been the stuff of science fiction novels for years. However, it has become a reality these days. Still, the researchers have said that it will be years before the technology and science are advanced far enough to create full size organs.
When the advancements are complete it will revolutionize the transplant world. Patients will no longer have to wait years for a new organ when one can be specifically grown for them in a lab setting.
One issue is the fact that these organs are designed by using stem cell research. This gives them a specific DNA structure that must be unique to the patient. Stem cell research has only recently restarted in the US after President Obama lifted a ban imposed by former President Bush.
Organ transplants are a hot commodity in this world today. Black markets buy and sell organs through underground medical facilities, often causing fatalities when the patients develop infections from unsterile conditions.
With the advancement of lab grown organs research may be able to save the lives of millions every year.
Short URL: http://thenewsportalonline.com/?p=3946
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